Blessed are you, Lord our God,
who designed us to walk
in unity with one other and with you.
May our unity reflect the divine relationship
between the triune God – Father, Spirit and Son.
For you created us to worship
with beauty and delight,
to combat darkness through compassion,
faith, fellowship and love.
Bless and purify our love.
Whether awake or asleep,
in celebration or sorrow,
poor or rich, sick or strong,
may our commitment to one another
reflect your commitment to us.
May our marriage celebrate the marriage
between God the Father and the church, His Bride.
May we never take the miracle of this love for granted
but bask in the wondrous truth
that God has chosen us as lover and friend.
Holy God,
we ask for the abundance of your being
through all time.
May our marriage be life-giving and life-long,
strengthened by divine grace
and enriched by a peace that transcends understanding.
May the words that we say in covenant
bear witness to the everlasting Word.
May they rise like worship before your throne.
May we, as man and wife, instill confidence
by confiding in one another with humble honesty.
May we bear one another's burdens
with gentleness, patience and trust;
and may our relationship
bring the kingdom of God to earth
in our family, heart and home.