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The Concept Of Beauty: *Social Media Edition, Guest-Post by Sarah Gillespie.

I'm thrilled to invite Sarah Gillespie to my blog this month. The first time I met this beautiful artist, I remember she smiled right through my lonely, and I reached around all her friends with open arms, inviting me into her circle for prayer. Her lashes lifted over perfect pink lids, and her bright eyes seemed to dance as she told me about her upcoming project in rushed excitement. It is such an honour to upload this post; a story-board of thoughts on this month's launch. I wish her all the best in her artistic aspirations, and I know, it is her humility that draws people to recognise the talent and poignancy of her work.



*social media

*and a self-portrait

I think the concept of beauty is very weird, but I also find myself getting caught up in it. Does my hair look okay? Will people like my outfit? In society, beauty is the concept of looking good and attractive on the outside.

My makeup is a very important thing to me even when I was young. I don't know if it has got to do with my artist ways or rather an insecurity about the world I live in, but sometimes I have to take a step back and remind myself to not take my appearance so seriously.

In the Bible, 'beauty' is not based on outward appearances, it's more about inward Godly attributes----about how one's faults can be seen as beautiful. We shouldn't focus on outward beauty as it will fade because, in God's eyes, being His child in Christ and having faith in his Son is so much more beautiful.

Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears God shall be praised.

~ Proverbs 31: 30

I'm not saying I'm going to throw away my eyeliners and eyeshadows tomorrow. I still see my make-up as a way of self-expression. But the reasons for wearing extravagant make-up and the time we spend on physical appearances need to be kept in check.

God made the heavens-----royal splendour radiates from him; A powerful beauty sets him apart. In awe before the beauty, in awe before the might. Let us celebrate, humbling ourselves before this light.

~ Psalm 69: 6-9.

Brilliance is the voice and face of Faith.

~ Psalm 29:3

The woman to be admired and praised is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God. Give her everything she deserves! Festoon her life with praises.

~ Psalm 31:30

Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, the gracious kind that God delights in.

~ 1st Peter 3:4


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