"Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession." Psalm 2: 7-8
Blessed God, your word is filled with promises that offer guidance for our lives. Hear the prayers of your Church; may we worship you in walk and wonder, joyfully serving you in all we do. O God, your days are without beginning and without end. We dedicate this coming year 2023 to you.
God, you bless us with the courage to meet life's heavy demands and unrelenting pressure. With this prayer, we commit our focus to you. We choose to affirm the 'I will's' of Scripture. I will trust, I will praise, I will follow.
Guide our weary bodies out from the world's broken sheathing. Clothe us in the courage of our ancestors: men and women who stood before Goliaths, kings, lions, famine, sickness, persecution and death. Give us the courage of Christ, who walked to the cross alone. He humbled himself to the form of man and, crucified on Golgotha, died naked and weak. His sacrifice is a shield for all who place their trust in him. His resurrection repaired man's relationship with God.
God, Cleanse our minds and our motives so that all that we are and all that we do is built on a foundation of Love. Give us wisdom, holiness and discernment to replace our weekly/daily disappointments with the divine appointments you bring us unexpectedly.
Give us confidence to walk through the day making choices that honour you. Renew the gifts, abilities and talents you generously give to us so that we can bless others as you have blessed us. May we choose to celebrate others as you see them, precious and whole in your sight.
Give us boldness to share our faith with others, so that they may feel welcomed in your presence and find redemption in your grace. May Israel's blessing, given to Joseph's sons in Genesis, remind us that you, o God, walked before our forefathers faithfully as a Shepherd all their life. You were the Angel that delivered them from all harm.
God, bless my household and all who worship with me. May we be called by the names of those who came before us. May your believers greatly increase on Earth.