A stroke of imperfection runs through everything and everyone we came across in this world; even the things we hope will satisfy------our dream house, dream job, our dream relationship. Over time, these show signs of age, wear and depreciation. Their flaws and weaknesses eventually expose themselves. Internal and externally so.
How I wish this wasn't true. But it is. Every pleasure we enjoy will, at some point, in some way, fall short of what we expect and desire. When these treasures fall away, our dreams for a longer-lasting certainty are repeatedly dashed. The truth is: I want something that is truly, unendingly perfect and eternal.
This the purpose of life's imperfections-----they make us long for something otherworldly. In Awaken, Priscilla Shirer writes this:
"The lost ideal of Eden, area beyond recognition by human sin, means that nothing in this world can ever be misconstrued as whole and incorruptible. The quest for perfection will always be beyond our grasp. Unattainable in time and space. So we'll need to look elsewhere. We'll need to look upward," p. 88. "Seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God," Colossians 3v1.
The process of creative writing can feel a little discouraging at times. Authors aim to write stories that are powerful-----faultless in structure, form and narrative retelling. But this need to create these sensational spaces (places where readers encounter a prosaic sort of perfection) is impossible.
Perfection minimizes the joy that comes with creating something precious & moving. Because creativity is as transforming as it is transformative. We will find it impossible to create if we believe that imperfection is not valuable. Because we will always find fault in our art, and consequently, in ourselves as artist.
But consider the way God views imperfection. By sending his perfection to earth in Jesus, he sought to reveal himself as a Creator who finds value in imperfection. Our weakness, frustration and hurt leads us in a search towards perfection, toward the only perfect One.
Remember this. It will change the way you approach creativity. Let us find a balance: between a striving towards righteousness and an understanding that our imperfection, struggle and pain turns the imagination towards heavenly things. Philippians 4:8.
2nd Corinthians 5: "We know that if the earthly frame of our house is torn down, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens," v1.
♪ Breathe Out Your Praise (Spontaneous) - Paul McClure and Leeland Mooring | MOMENTS: MIGHTY SOUND
The Artist's Way is the art of treasuring. We live in a time when abundance, wealth and prosperity rest at our fingers. We have the ability to dispose and replace-----things that become obsolete, useless or disinteresting. Because of this, it can become commonplace to transition from one moment to the next without thought.
We don't have to prize items, things or places the way people might have done in the past. If we continue in this thought, we may not (as has already been the case) forget how important it is to protect, nurture and preserve things that matter. Family. Relationships. Keepsakes. Our environment.
The posture of replacement is one that leaks over into various aspects of our lives. In the Bible, Jesus' mother "treasures all the things she has seen and considers them in her heart," Luke 2v19. Her relationship with God was so precious that it was kept safe.
Even if we faithfully read God's word and listen for His voice, let us practice the act of treasuring these moments, conversations with the divine. If we don't take time to consider his presence in our lives, we might forget to look for it.
So let us take into account the memories we've made with the Creator, with holiness. For "in him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge," Colossians 2v3.
I think this pertains to anything we do. In any sport, art and/or other practice, let us grow fond of the practice and not allow it to slip away forgotten.
♪ Amazing Grace, Chris Tomlin