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Below are a list of prose and poetry publications, compiled between 2019 - 2025. Follow this link to read literature reviews published by DURA and The Courier: Literary Reviews. 

Eunoia Review

Collection of Poems, forthcoming 

"I find Dante weeping in Gideon," "An Ode to Mukashitombo," "Helen Watches War Break Out In Troy," "Walking in the Wood," "When I Consider Where My Light Has Gone" and "Prayer"  â€‹


Poets' Choice 

Anthologised Poem 

"Longing" ​​​​​


The Dewdrop 


"Mary sings a lullaby to her baby God" ​ Read Here




"Inferno" and "FaceTime in E-den"  Read Here


Be Still Media 

Media Competition ​​

Shortlisted in the Be Still Media Competition, 2022: "My great grandfather remembers his service in war when a US archeological sub scans the Atlantic remains of a P-47 aircraft from 1944"


Passengers Journal ​


"A still-life in bitter herbs, salt, parsley, lamb and korech"  Read Here


eris & eros 


"Liquid Architecture"


The Napkin Poetry Review 

Collection of Poems 

"ALL IS SOFT INSIDE," "The Departure," "Mao's vision opens at the sight of the two children," I did not read the book of myths," a response to Adrienne Rich's poem "Diving into the Wreck"  Read Here


The Flute & the Bowl 

Interdisciplinary Project 

Exhibition: Catalogue: Among the Garbage and the Flowers: Advocate Habitat, text and photography booklet, with Rupert Stuart-Smith, curated by Anya Gleizer. The Flute & the Bowl, 2021


Oxford Review of Books 

Short Story Competition 

In Haedeki, shortlisted for the Oxford Review of Book's Hilary 2020 Fiction Competition, judged by award-winning novelist Will Eaves. The short story reflects on relationships, respsonibility, rejection, loneliness and loss. It highlights the outs cape of inevitable change and considers the progression of erosion in times of profound eco-consciousness. 


Sentinel Literary Quarterly 

Poetry Competition

Awarded second-place in the Sentinel Literary Quarterly Poetry Competition, 2019: "a mother's goodbye" (Judge: Terence Graham Perry Jones) 


This is a lovely villanelle; skilful and sensitive in its handling of the tercets and the quatrain and the repeating lines and rhymes, and it is (in good part) this move to engage a demanding form in the service of a serious, richly geological and deeply human imagination that justifies the poems ranking in this competition. In five tercets and a concluding quatrain, operating within the tight constraints of the rhyme scheme, the poems nevertheless succeeds in opening into real historical and topographical space. 'a mother’s goodbye' achieves to a musical and evocative re-creation of a land, a landscape (the slieve bloom mountains), and – with impressive economy and eloquence – a way of life and a history. From the opening lines of the poem we are left in no doubt that the poet can imbue language with charm and charge. The whole imaginative engagement that is the poem is sustained and executed with balance and grace.


SaveAs Poetry 

Poetry Competition 

SaveAS Poetry, 2019: "the four moons of a harvest" (Judge: Gillian Laker of 2019 Canterbury Festival Poet of the year)


An extremely accomplished and original poem that mixes musical notation with the quartered moon. Controlled and expertly-structured, this work is shape-shifting and sonorous. The down-stroke of the bow. There is grief at the base of each quarter, but a grief that has such a rich and strong connection to the living, natural world, that it allows no turning away, even from the harshest of images. The final phrase is concerned with the solace of memory, a compendium of precious and brilliant fragments. 

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